Saturday, 25 June 2011

Couch Tissue Box Cover

I saw this pattern and fell in love with it. It crochets up quickly and easily and the overall effect is cool according to my daughter :)

Thursday, 9 June 2011


pretty much describes how I'm feeling today. I was up early to help the girls off to school, so I was washed and dressed by 7.40. I made sandwiches, put washing in the machine and made sure they'd got everything and then by 8.30 the house was empty - even the cats are out.

And now there's nothing. I've no enthusiasm for doing housework, I can't settle to do any knitting or crochet, I don't want to go out... and although I'm feeling tired I'm not really feeling tired enough to go back to bed.

On the plus side though the pain in my side seems to have given over at last :)

Perhaps a cup of tea will help? 

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Leftover Yarn 1

So I had a bit of yarn left from the Ripple Blanket - and had fund doing all sorts of little bits with it for the upcoming babies.

Busy bee

I seem to have produced a lot of stuff recently so I thought I'd share some of it with you. I know a few people who are pregnant and due this summer so I've been busy doing stuff for the new babies :)

This a Ripple Blanket made from James Brett's Baby Supreme, I can't believe how soft it is. It was lovely to crochet as it kept my feet warm when it got larger :)

Saturday, 4 June 2011

Mohawk Baby Hat 2

Mohawk Baby Hat 2 by Forbidden Fruit1
Mohawk Baby Hat 2, a photo by Forbidden Fruit1 on Flickr.

I love this pattern for a mohawk hat which will fit everyone from baby to adult. It's quick and easy to knit and I have to say I'm really pleased with the result. I'm looking forward to seeing it on my friends new baby :)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Exercise can be bad for you

or so it would seem. I've had a pain in my chest for a couple of days and decided that perhaps I should get it checked out by the doctor. Turns out to be muscular, which was a relief as chest pains make you think the worst.

Apparently I've been doing too much exercise too fast and I've pulled a muscle. It was quite funny really listening to the doctor trying to find a way to tell me I'd done too much exercise without putting me off the whole idea completely as I really do need to do some :)

I've taken some pain killers and will take it easy for a few days - which is not a problem as I've not got much on for the middle of the week. I've just got the Christian Aid envelopes to collect at the end of the week which I might just do in a couple of goes so I don't over do it again. I'll wait until next week before I get the bike back out.... possibly :)

Monday, 7 March 2011

Ripple Blanket - the beginning

My friend is expecting her second baby and this time I thought I'd ask her what colour she wanted for a blanket. She did specify yellow.... but when I went in the yarn shop they didn't have anything really nice and soft in a bright yellow.... which was a bit of a relief for my eyes.

I did find a nice lemon and then I saw a lovely green which tones nicely with it. I'd seen this pattern for a ripple blanket and was really keep to start on it.

So, Saturday afternoon I sat down and started :) and this was the result a couple of hours later. It's now a fair bit larger, but it's taking longer to do each round. I love the pattern, it's really easy to learn and remember. If you want to try it you can find it here:

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Purple twisted square

Purple twisted square, originally uploaded by Forbidden Fruit1.

I did two 'fancy' squares which the girls insisted I use in the blanket. This is a close up of the purple one... I'm really pleased with how it turned out.

Snuggled in my blanket

Snuggled in my blanket, originally uploaded by Forbidden Fruit1.

As you can see... it's nice and warm :)

Whole blanket

Whole blanket, originally uploaded by Forbidden Fruit1.

Finally finished sewing together all of our family granny squares and crocheting the edges.... it took some time but I think you'll agree, it was worth it. More photos to follow.