So, to set the scene.... Hubby (Robin) may or may not have something called Cushings Disease which is basically a tumour on his pituitary gland. It's 99% likely not to be cancerous and can be completely treated and cured - which is the good news. The trouble is that the symptoms (Diabetes, depression, weight gain round the middle and lack of energy) can be other things that people get on a regular basis.
Often it takes years before a doctor even thinks of Cushings as a potential issue (I've heard of it taking 20 years) and even once they've thought of it the tests take a while too. Given that Robin's been 'diabetic' for about 10 years now you get the idea of how long this is all taking. Our doctor in Bradford first mentioned the possibilty of Cushings three and a half years ago now and we've still not had a definative diagnosis. Robin had some tests done before Christmas which we thought were the last lot and the results took nearly three months to come through. Then we're told that they need to do some more tests as they're still not sure. Some of them Robin was able to do at home which was great, but there were some which involved taking blood at midnight which needed to be done in hospital.
All well and good you might think... except it took them three weeks to find a bed for him at hospital to take him in to do the tests. The idea was that he would be in for two nights and on the second night they would take the blood at midnight having given him some tablets during the day.
I had a text from him this morning, not a happy bunny shall we say. They took the blood out of him last night, but without giving him tablets. This is despite him asking nurses repeatedly thoughout the day yesterday about it... no one seems to know what's supposed to be happening. As I say, typical NHS really. It looks like he'll have to stay in tonight as well which isn't going down well as a prospect at all with him.
Me on the other hand... I might finally get a good night's sleep tonight as I'm totally shattered after not sleeping for the last two nights cause he's not been here.