Sunday 30 November 2008

An odd week

Well, what a strange week it's been... firstly my friend finally had her baby on Tuesday - a little girl (well, not so little at 9lbs 3oz!) and both mother and baby are doing well.

Then we spent two days travelling so we could attend the funeral of my Step-Grandmother (for want of a better description). It was a difficult event to get through - the shortness of time between diagnosis and her death came as a bit of a shock to the family. Having been through the lingering death of a good friend who bravely fought cancer for 3 and a half years, all I can say is that it was the best thing for Pat. She died at home, with her husband and had enough time to sort her will and stuff out and died with little pain. The downside is that everyone is still struggling to come to terms with it all.

I know I shall miss her - they were both very good to me when I arrived in their family as an awkward 17 year old, fresh from her parents divorce. I was always touched by how they welcomed me into their family and then when my children came along, how they treated them like the rest of the grand/great grand children. My girls will miss Pat a good deal but I'm glad they were able to know her. Derek is still there but he's 82 and had aged a good deal when I saw him last week. I just pray that he is ok in the weeks ahead.

On top of all this, Robin's been getting more and more weak as the effects of this pituitary tumour become more pronounced. It's scary really to see this huge man who used to be active and had trouble keeping still, being reduced to laying on the sofa or bed for most of the time and walking with a stick when he has to go out. I just pray that the scan and operation happen sooner rather than later.

On a work front I'm currently doing a fill in job to cover until the permanent person is able to start. They've interviewed and appointed and I've got a meeting with my boss on Monday so I think she can start sooner rather than later. I just hope I'm working through till Christmas as we could do with the money with Robin not working.

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