Thursday 11 December 2008

'Tis the season

For oiks and other undesirables, to break into houses and outbuildings.... in particular ours and those of a couple of neighbours.

Thankfully, for some reason best known to them, they didn't take very much. Even more thankfully all of our bikes are still there, even though one of our darling daughters didn't lock them back up again the last time she had hers out. Our neighbour likewise only lost a few batteries and some nails? One can only assume that they were planning on building something but the mind boggles really.

I was about to go on about 'don't these people have any respect for other people's things' and so on, when I realised that actually, they don't. I suppose we should be sorry for people who believe that it's ok to steal and break in to houses/garages etc. I'm trying hard to find Christian forgiveness, but to be honest it's hard.

The last laugh is however on the burgulars who took the golf clubs and train bits from the garage - they had been in the garage last year when it was flooded - and covered in sewage!

I hope the rest of you out there are having a better run up to Christmas than I am at the moment.

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